Baby Anbeek

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lake Superior

We just got home from a week of relaxing in Schreiber. Nick actually swam in Lake Superior...twice! Natalie was great on the plane, smiling at the people behind us, then eating for most of the trip. She entertained Grandma and Grandpa with her little squeals and her wiggles. She danced with her cousins and cuddled with her aunt and uncle in Thunder Bay. The week went by so fast! We are looking forward to our next visit..

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  • At 1:34 AM GMT-11, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that's an adorable picture of the 3 kids on the beach. they are SO similar aren't they? you'd swear she was their sister.
    Gran Gillian

  • At 7:58 AM GMT-11, Blogger Loralie said…

    The boys would love a baby sister too! They were very good with her.


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